MIT Sloan MBA Essays: Insights and Strategies for Success


The MIT Sloan School of Management is renowned for its rigorous academic programs and its commitment to fostering a diverse and innovative community of leaders. To apply to this esteemed institution, applicants must submit a comprehensive application package that includes a cover letter, resume, video statement, and letters of recommendation.

In this blog, we will delve into the specifics of the MIT Sloan MBA essays, providing insights and strategies to help you craft compelling submissions that showcase your unique strengths and qualifications.

Cover Letter

The cover letter is a critical component of the MIT Sloan MBA essays application. It serves as a formal introduction to your candidacy, highlighting your personal characteristics and professional achievements. The prompt for the cover letter is straightforward:

"MIT Sloan seeks students whose personal characteristics show that they will make the most of the incredible opportunities at MIT, both academic and non-academic. We are on a quest to find those whose presence will enhance the experience of other students. We seek thoughtful leaders with exceptional intellectual abilities and the drive and determination to put their stamp on the world. We welcome people who are independent, authentic, and fearlessly creative — true doers. We want people who can redefine solutions to conventional problems, and strive to preempt unconventional dilemmas with cutting-edge ideas. We demand integrity and respect passion."

Key Elements to Include

  1. Personal Characteristics: Highlight your unique qualities that align with MIT Sloan's values. For instance, if you are independent, authentic, and fearlessly creative, provide specific examples from your professional or personal life that demonstrate these traits.

  2. Professional Achievements: Share impactful stories that illustrate your intellectual abilities, drive, and determination. These should be concise yet informative, showcasing your leadership skills and achievements.

  3. Why MIT Sloan: Briefly explain why MIT Sloan is the best fit for you. This section should be tailored to the specific opportunities and resources available at MIT Sloan that align with your goals and aspirations.

  4. Conciseness: The cover letter should be concise, ideally within the 300-word limit. Avoid verbose language and focus on delivering essential information.

Sample Outline

  1. Introduction: Briefly introduce yourself and your background.

  2. Personal Characteristics: Share specific examples that show your independence, authenticity, and creativity.

  3. Professional Achievements: Highlight your most significant achievements, including leadership roles and impact.

  4. Why MIT Sloan: Explain why MIT Sloan's programs, resources, and community align with your goals and aspirations.

  5. Conclusion: Summarize your key points and express your enthusiasm for joining the MIT Sloan community.

Tips for Success

  • Research MIT Sloan: Familiarize yourself with the school's curriculum, special programs, and extracurricular activities to tailor your cover letter effectively.

  • Be Authentic: Avoid generic statements and instead, focus on sharing genuine stories that demonstrate your personality and strengths.

  • Use Specific Examples: Instead of general statements, provide specific anecdotes that illustrate your qualities and achievements.

  • Edit and Refine: Draft multiple versions of your cover letter, refining it to ensure it is concise and impactful.

Video Statement

The video statement is another crucial component of the MIT Sloan MBA essays application. It provides an opportunity for applicants to introduce themselves to their future classmates and showcase their personality. The guidelines for the video statement are as follows:

  • Length: No more than 1 minute (60 seconds)

  • Single Take: The video should be a single take without any editing.

  • Direct Address: Speak directly to the camera.

  • No Background Music or Subtitles: Keep the video simple and focused on your introduction.

Tips for a Successful Video Statement

  • Be Yourself: Relax and be conversational. The goal is to put a face with a name and let your personality shine.

  • Prepare a Script: Write a script to ensure you cover all the key points you want to convey.

  • Practice: Record multiple takes to ensure you are comfortable with the camera and your message.

  • Keep it Simple: Avoid complex setups or special effects. Focus on your introduction and personality.


The resume is a one-page document that provides a concise overview of your academic and professional background. It should be formatted in a standard business style, using Times New Roman font, size 10, and either Word or PDF formats. The key elements to include are:

  • Education: List your educational background, including relevant awards, scholarships, and professional societies.

  • Work Experience: Detail your work experience in reverse chronological order, including company names, titles, and results-oriented bullets that demonstrate your skill set.

  • Additional Information: Include extracurricular activities, community service, technical skills, certifications, special skills, interests, and languages spoken (if applicable).

Tips for a Strong Resume

  • Focus on Results: Instead of just listing job titles, focus on the results you achieved in each role.

  • Use Action Verbs: Use action verbs like "managed," "developed," and "improved" to describe your achievements.

  • Keep it Concise: Ensure your resume is clear and concise, with no unnecessary details.

Letters of Recommendation

Letters of recommendation are an important part of the application package. They should be from professional references who can speak to your academic and professional abilities. The letters should be tailored to the specific requirements of the MIT Sloan MBA essays program and should highlight your strengths and achievements.

Tips for Strong Letters of Recommendation

  • Choose the Right References: Select references who can speak to your strengths and achievements.

  • Tailor the Letters: Ensure the letters are tailored to the MIT Sloan MBA essays program and highlight your unique qualities.

  • Provide Context: Provide context about your role and the achievements being described.


Crafting a strong application to MIT Sloan requires a thoughtful and strategic approach. By focusing on the key elements of the cover letter, video statement, resume, and letters of recommendation, you can create a compelling package that showcases your unique strengths and qualifications. Remember to be authentic, concise, and well-prepared in your submissions. With these tips and strategies, you can increase your chances of success in the competitive MIT Sloan MBA essays application process.


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